Friday, February 15, 2013

Throwing on a Flight of Stairs

Responding to a call of a rape in progress a NY police officer trained in Miyama Ryu police tactics raced up a flight of stairs only to find an himself facing an angry knife wielding attacker coming down the same stairs. There was no time to draw his gun and the attacker swung with a vicious face slash. So what throw did he use to subdue the opponent. Watch this video and see if you can guess.

The officer blocked then executed an advancing footsweep (Sasae Tsuri komi Ashi). Throwing the adversary down the flight of stairs. He quickly moved in and cuffed the unconscious man.

So what is your favorite throw for self defense?

People come in all shapes and sizes  and there is an ultimate throw for each person depending on the situation. Because situations vary every throw is not always practical. For example, any throw that needs alot of turning footwork action will not work on a stairwell. So you need proficiency in more than one throw. In Miyama Ryu we "borrow" the throws of Judo for practical self defense. They are great for throwing an opponent to his his back. An adversary who is unskilled in falling techniques will often land on a point. That is his elbow, his shoulder or his knee. Then his body comes crashing down behind him.

Miyama Ryu uses 30 throws in the white through black belt for practical self defense. They are found in the DVD sets. Order your copy today!

Beginner to Black Belt 6 DVD Collection A $394 value for only $197

1 comment:

  1. josette Guerrier; jujitsu homework

    I like the O Soto Gari – Major outer reap throw. It looks simple but it is really effective when someone want to throw a punch. And it is very useful when you are going against your appoint. The O Soto Gari goes like this; after blocking the punch, step through with the left foot and past the line of the punch. Then bring your right leg through and up, before striking back with your leg to sweep away the attacker's leg, using your right hand to push back his head and so take him off balance which is quite amazing. This type of throw is very good for my body type; sense is very small and short I cannot actually left a heavy person twice my size; and this throw show not that much lifting. I just have to catch my opponent on their off balanced point sweep and then throw. After a person throws their person on the ground using O Soto Gari, they can then pin their opponent down using a pin called Kesa-gatame; this pin is used when a person is on their back; the defender can put their arm around the opponent neck like a scruff and their other arm is around your torso locking it in so you opponent can move. The o soto Gari show creativity and logic.
