Seagal uses Mass to maximize the strength and effectiveness of his attacks. He makes a clear Objective to survive the encounter. For Maneuver, he moves the goons into positions where they hit each other or make it easy for them to be taken out by him. He goes on the Offensive and takes control of the situation by remaining calm and quickly dealing with the thugs and disarming them. He uses his Economy of Force by using everything from the salami to knives at his disposal. There is Simplicity in his actions, requiring little planning or effort.
Stephen's Objective was to survive the surprise attack and to counter any moves they would try to perform on him. One of the men tried to right hook Stephen and he used Mass to have the ability to block his punch. Stephen used a variety of maneuvers to take control, where he shifted his body position in order to place his opponents in the position he wanted them. He took Offensive when he was able to counter the men's attack, being the more dominant person in the situation. Economy Of Force was seen when he took the men's weapons and used it against them and even objects that he noticed around him to assist him. Simplicity was also used, for example, the bending of the wrist, just to quickly be able to counter their moves because it was more than one of them. Stephen also used Surprise, whereas the man pulled out a gun on him and he closed the distance between them and quickly disarm the man.
Steven Seagal (Gino Felino) took the offensive from before even entering the building. He took control of the situation from the beginning and it was clear that his objective was to survive the attack. I believe he had little security in that the enemy was aware that he was coming and were ready to attack him however he was in the orange state. The first attacker might have had the element of surprise when he came out with the butcher knife but once again, Seagal was in the orange state and already aware of an oncoming attack. As his other opponents try to attack, he uses different maneuvers to keep them off balance which often results in them attacking themselves. He displays the economy of force throughout the entire encounter because he utilizes all of his resources which range from butcher knives to the pieces of meat around him. Simplicity is seen as he quickly incapacitates his attackers without using complex methods (he snaps some wrists and kicks one in the nuts). His unity of command is understood to be that he is responsible for his own personal protection because he did not have any allies with him at the time nor did he have anyone else to protect but himself. At the end he uses his mental mass and talks with the guy behind the counter who has the gun while simultaneously closing the distance between them until he is able to bend his wrist.
From what I have noticed in this video, before Seagal entered the store he was in the ideal state, which is the Orange State, he was aware of his surroundings and took action from an oncoming attack and took control of the situation. From the principle of SUMO MOSES, the principal of manoeuvre was used to his advantage, at the beginning of the fight scene Seagal pivots to the left to avoid the attack. At the 2 man attack, he focused on one opponent at a time and used the attacker to take out the other attacker, which is the principal of offensive. He also effectively utilizes the principal of economy of force by stripping away his opponent’s weapons and using it against them or using any object close by, to take the opponent down. He kept it simple and protected himself. This type of reaction is considered in SUMO MOSES to be the principals of security and simplicity. Close to the end of the video, in order to distract the guy with the gun, Seagal uses verbal communication to make the opponent hesitate as he walks in and uses a form of kotegaeshi to take the gun away. In this situation Seagal fully utilizes the principal of unity of command.
In this short fight clip, 'Steven Seagal' used many, if not all of the aspects of SUMO MOSES. From he entered the store, he had an idea of what to expect, and stayed ready, so he wouldn't have any surprises from the enemy. His surroundings became a great part of his counter, as in anything closest to him, became a weapon, from as cleaver, to a bat, to meat hung on the wall. He moved in such a way to put all of his opponents at various disadvantages, by facing each one basically on a one-on-one match. He was secured in himself, depending on nobody else to help him. As seen in the clip he took control of the whole situation, especially when he was at gun point. through all of his actions he keep it simple, and keep the main objective, which is for him to survive. By: Lucharno Bethel
In the short fight scene, Segal utilized all aspects of SUMO MOSES as apart of his strategy and tactics to ensure survival. Segal utilized the Security aspect to ensure there are no unexpected advantages. He was in the optimum orange state where he was quite aware of his surroundings and was prepared for anything. He tapped into the unity of control by realizing that he was alone and solely responsible for his survival. He utilized mass by focusing all his power into focal areas to critically damage his attackers rather than using numerous unfocused blows. His objective was ckear from the start to remain alive. Segal was very effective at maneuvering as he was very agile and constantly placed his attacker into disadvantageous positions. Segal was always on the offensive and took control of the situation from the very beginning and began attacking. Segal surprise aspect was that he was trained to counter multiple attacks and that gave him an unexpected advantage. He tremendously used economy of force as he improvised weapons and resources such as his opponents bodies to strengthen his mass. Finally his strategy and tactic was of the utmost simplicity as they were simple yet effective.
From the moment he felt threatened Segal's objective was to survive his attackers. As soon as he felt their approach he was on offence and ready to defend himself. He maneuvered from between the two men making them bump each other's head. Also when he toke the swords from the men and used them to his advantage. He used the principle of mass on the man's arm when he was twisting it. He also used his mind to distract the mind when he talked to him to get closer in order to take his gun. And through this all he used the principle of simplicity where as he knew what was his objective and found the easiest way to achieve that.
Stephan Seagal walks into the room in an orange state, being upright and alert to his surroundings, showing his security in the principles of SUMO MOSES. He was also calm and collected in his unity of command, in order or him to carry out his objective, which was to stay alive. The part when Seagal shifts his body in order to stop the attack in 0:04-0:07 and manipulates the momentum in order to throw down the attacker, for example, shows how he uses the principle of maneuver as well. his maneuvers throughout the scene itself also allowed him offense, and to use the attackers' momentum or weapons against them in order to be in control. Although Seagal was in the orange state, he still managed to surprise the attackers but being so alert and ready to fight back against them, using his surroundings. The use of mass and economy of state was visible in the end when he used his force to rotate the gun holder's wrist in order to immobilize his hand and obtain the gun. And lastly, simplicity was seen as his moves were very short yet forceful, and not complicated in execution or planning.
Steven Seagal demonstrates great awareness (being in the orange state). he used the mass technique to put all of his energy into throwing the attacker into the refrigerator. He also utilized the maneuvering technique making the attackers run into each other. Seagal always seemed to be in great control of his situation. Economy of force was also seen when he used any weapon he could have found to get the upper hand. Finally, simplicity was also shown as his attacks were short but effective and not complicated in execution. Seagal demonstrated a great deal of SUMO MOSES.
Initially, Stephen's sole objective was to survive the attack, possibly unscathed. He entered the store/situation very conscious of his surroundings. Because of this, he had Security. The attackers weren't permitted any unexpected advantage whatsoever. Effective maneuver was well displayed at about the 0:22 mark, where we see him move out of the way so his two attackers could collide. Stephen definitely utilized Economy of Force. He made use of the Economy by incorporating the different utensils at his disposal into combat, i.e butcher knives, meat cleaver etc. He used 'Surprise' when he deceived the guy behind the counter into thinking he wasn't going to do anything; Stalling him so he could get close enough to disarm him. Lastly, we have Simplicity. His moves were well executed because he probably had a simple plan.
In this short clip Mr Stephen Seagal uses many aspects of the principle SUMO MOSES to the T! At the point of arrival and being hit by a surprise attack he had great awareness showing the aspect of Security knowing that he can be in an hostile situation at any time. We then see that at that point he had an Objective which was to survive this surprise attack. Thinking on his feet he Maneuver out of harms way quickly using this to his advantage which led straight to him taking the Offensive and taking control of this current situation. He had no held weapons but Economy of force was exhibited like he did, from using the enemies own weapons against them to even using a salami stub. Initially through all of this he had not only used physical but a mental Mass whereas he knew he was outnumbered yet used this to his advantage, using his environment and his own enemies to heighten hiss odds of survival which seemed to work. He then showcased a classic Unity of command knowing that he's responsible for his own life as he was held up by a gun and did what he had to do in order to get closer and disarm the gunman. He showed Simplicity not thinking hard or what to do next but smart and quick.
Stephen Seagul uses various principles of war in the fight scene. Seagul has an objective, which is to survive; when he enters the building he surprises his enemies with his preparedness. He is on the offense and manages to be in control the whole fight. Seagul effectively maneuvers through the attacks of his adversaries, particularly when more than one person came at him at a time. Moreover, Seagul uses his mass to block and counter attacks, while using his resources against his opponents (economy of force). Near the end of the video, he utilizes unity of command and surprise as he quickly coaxes the man with the gun and dissuades him from shooting him, which he follows up by bending the man’s wrist. Lastly, Seagul uses the principle of simplicity to carry out his attacks.
Stephen Seagal walks into the shop not knowing what would happen but he was aware of his surroundings. Seagal was in the orange state. He initially triggered the security principle. He didn't let the enemy have an unexpected advantage over him. He took control of the situation. Seagal then is attacked by a number of equipped men. He displays agility and the principle of maneuver. He uses the enemy's force and thrust as a weakness to where he removes himself from a target position to a position where he has the upper hand of attacking. Seagal then uses the principle of mass. He focuses on specific areas of his opponents’ bodies. He attacks with basic movements. Seagal kept his attacks basic, which shows that he used the principle of simplicity. He wasn't fancy with any of his movements. The attacks that he gave were simple but effective. At 0:16, I believe he uses taisabaki #2, where he blocks with his left hand then punches with his right hand with full force. Seagal also uses the economy of force principle. He used his surroundings wisely. He takes his opponent's sword and uses it against him along with the other foes. Seagal was on the offensive from the beginning to the end.
In this fight scene we see from the onset of the action Steven Seagal has a clear objective when entering the butcher shop where the fight takes place. In this scene the principle of economy of force and the principle of mass are demonstrated almost simultaneously as Seagal uses very focused attacks and makes sure they are as efficient as possible; such as when he simply moves out of the way to let two of his attackers battle each other.He takes responsibility for his life demonstrating the principle of Unity of Command and we see this because he is not worried about any other person beside making sure he is safe. We can tell by the way his attacks are executed that he is trained to manoeuvre his body in a way that would be most beneficial to him and keep him from being harmed, while achieving his goal. We also must not forget the important principle of taking the offensive. Although Segal may not have had the element of surprise on his side, the moment he was attacked, he took the offensive and took control of the situation. At first glance I overlooked the principle of simplicity but Seagal uses it. As simple as talking to the man armed with the gun got him close enough to him to disarm the man and save his life. The Principles of Strategy and Tactics (SUMO MOSES) are very important when in a fight and can save lives.
The video of Steven Seagull exhibit more than one of the principles SUMO MOSES throughout the entire clip. The principle of Sumo Moses that Steven seagull used was surprise, mass, objective, unity of command, maneuver, offensive, economy of force and security. Steven walked into the store alert; in an Orange State of mind. The attacker surprise attack was met with another surprise. Clearly Steven seagull walked into the shop knowing his objective was that he would have to defend for his life; especial since the store was a butcher store. He knows that the attackers were coming at him with knives and other butcher equipment. What could have been on his mind was, use their weapon against them. The maneuver’s he use were based on the attacker action to destabilize there movement. In doing so he could control and bend the situation to his will. When he demobilized the first and second attacker, in 0:03-0:19, he made the other attacker scared; giving the attackers the thought of needing to use weapon. That was when his principle (unity of command) revealed itself. He used the principle of mass to finish of the attacker one by one as shown from 0:20 straight through. The first attack was where I exhibit the economy of force principle. What he did was use the attacker momentum in the knife and swung it straight into his leg. It was also shown when he swung the knife straight through the man’s hand and wall. That is what I exhibited in that video.
In the movie “Out for Justice”, published in 1992, Steven Seagal plays a detective role as Gino Felino. In a store fight scene, Seagal uses all but one principal of SUMO MOSES. Firstly, Seagal used security; because of his vigilance, his attackers were unable to take him by surprise. Seagal continuously used the principal of mass as he focuses on one attack or defense mechanism at a time making his attacks more effective. In fact this ties in with the principal of simplicity, because as fascinating as the scene was, all attacks were simple. Seagal made not a sound, he did not get complicated but he surely won. There were onlookers in the shop but Seagal used the principal of unity of command and the offensive principal, taking control of the situation although protocol for many people would have been to allow the shop owner to handle the situation, Seagal was responsible for himself. Steven Seagal tosses his opponents about the room, particularly on the floor and against the wall, using the principal of maneuver getting his opponents in the worst position possible. He used his opponents’ weapons as resources, enforcing the principal of economy of force. In my opinion, the only principal that Seagal did not technically use was the principle of surprise because he was the one being attacked but nonetheless he survived making him a master of the objective principal.
The Security aspect was lost because he was outnumbered and unarmed before he entered the shop. They had the drop on him along with weapons but he had 'SUMO MOSES' to defend against them. Unity of Mind was also present, visible by Mr. Segal operating under his own command and following and focusing on his own objectives: Survival (Elimination/Disarmament of threats). Mass was very present. He was strategic, alert and well aware of his actions and attacks; focusing on each attacker and the threats that arose, helping with the intimidation of the last guy, the gunman. Maneuver was also present in that he was positioned in such a way where his disadvantage which was being in the center became advantage. How? He was vigilant and an attack that was directed at him was landed on another attacker. Also, he threw targets in the ground giving him a greater reaction time when dealing with other opponents. Offensive: his objective initially was to obtain info or a specific target, but once the target escaped his objective was to survive. Surprise was present to a lesser extent in that they got the jump on him but they were surprised because they were not prepared for him to be equipped with such skills. Economy of Force: All forces were focused the Disarmament of all threats and survival. Seeing as he was the only source of attack/offense. Simplicity was exercised as survival and attack when/where necessary.
In this short video Stephen Seagal played out the principle of SUMO MOSES perfectly. When he enter the store and saw the thugs, he didn’t panic but keep a spirit of calmness and firmness. The thugs attack with the advantage of weapons but Seagal use their advantage against them by taken their weapons and using them effectively cutting of the retreat of the thugs. Seagal was out number but he kept distance among the thugs by the use of public options (weapons) with great force to focues areas. Seagal was able to keep the fight one on one by his maneuver which kept him in control, placing the thugs in an uncomfortable position. Seagal won the fight with the thugs but there uprise another fight that he could not win with the principle of 'Sumo Moses' use before. Mr.seagal was aware that the same principle use before would not work so he use a Strategic Defense, this defense made the owner feel surperior by Seagal expression of surrender which allow Seagal to get closer to him and attack spuriously which allows a principle of 'SUMO MOSES'. Mr. Stephen Seagal survives the fight only because the continous use of offense and defense of 'SUMO MOSES' principles.
Stephen Seagal utilizes many principles of SUMO MOSES in this fight scene. Both the aspects of Mass and Economy of Force is portrayed respectively when he blocks his foes' attacks and attacks. Just as he focuses his whole body in stopping the attackers' arms as they swung at him, he efficiently utilizes items in the environment, such as the meat cleaver, bat, and even bread to his advantage. The principle of Offensive is shown as, though he is outnumbered, Stephen Seagal maintains the initiative throughout combat, never letting his foes take control of the situation. His Objective lies in his intention to survive and Simplicity is used as he quickly and efficiently attacks and defends against his enemies, rather than unnecessarily executing his offense and defense to leave him vulnerable. Furthermore Stephen Seagal utilizes the aspects of Security as he walked into the store and was able to immediately defend himself, keeping his enemies from gaining an unexpected advantage. This was also portrayed as he was held at gunpoint along with the element of Surprise, in the instance that he was able to remain calm and reduce his distance from his foe to disarm him. Finally, Maneuver was utilized during combat when he applied his power to keep himself out of a disadvantageous position. Just as he was surrounded by two people, he was able to position himself facing both of them.
Steven Segal used the principles of war efficiently. He had security because even though he was in close quarters, he stayed alert and watched his back during the fight. Steven also had unity of command because he managed to move without a hiccup and follow through with all the necessary attacks and retaliations. The principle of mass was present with his consistent change in direction of energy while still keeping it uniform. His mind, body and spirit were all appropriate for his short combat with many subjects. His objectives seemed correct as he took out the higher priority subjects first then he left the unstable-minded gunman for last because he just used the gun to try and take Segal’s nerve. Constant movement was kept and he also obtained maneuver by putting the opponents at their own disadvantages as he did with the butcher by sticking his hand to the wall with his own knife. He took offense and handled the situation. He kept the element of surprise because the opponents didn’t expect him to be so educated in combat. Economy of force was met because he used only necessary force to get his targets where he wanted them. It was all kept simple and he made none of the attacks too complicated in that he wouldn’t be able to direct his attention to the other subjects.
Stephen Seagal main objective was to beat the attackers and survive, which he succeed in. He used mass, maneuver and unity of command as key points in his offensive attack; this was done by using the attacker’s body weight against them to move them in positions using the various tai sabaki techniques, so that he can disarm the attackers and fight them one at a time. He commanded the tempo using mass and KA-IH you can see the attackers was hesitant to continue fighting after seeing what he did to the other attackers he faced before them. He used a great example of economy of force by focusing on main points on the attackers to have superior damage to the attacker. He demonstrated security by entering the shop in the orange state and not panicking from the surprise attack. He also kept looking around for more attackers to take away the surprise aspect from the attackers. It was very simple how he talked to the man wielding the gun behind the table so that he could get close enough to take it away from him and assure safety
Seagal uses Mass to maximize the strength and effectiveness of his attacks. He makes a clear Objective to survive the encounter. For Maneuver, he moves the goons into positions where they hit each other or make it easy for them to be taken out by him. He goes on the Offensive and takes control of the situation by remaining calm and quickly dealing with the thugs and disarming them. He uses his Economy of Force by using everything from the salami to knives at his disposal. There is Simplicity in his actions, requiring little planning or effort.
ReplyDeleteStephen's Objective was to survive the surprise attack and to counter any moves they would try to perform on him. One of the men tried to right hook Stephen and he used Mass to have the ability to block his punch. Stephen used a variety of maneuvers to take control, where he shifted his body position in order to place his opponents in the position he wanted them. He took Offensive when he was able to counter the men's attack, being the more dominant person in the situation. Economy Of Force was seen when he took the men's weapons and used it against them and even objects that he noticed around him to assist him. Simplicity was also used, for example, the bending of the wrist, just to quickly be able to counter their moves because it was more than one of them. Stephen also used Surprise, whereas the man pulled out a gun on him and he closed the distance between them and quickly disarm the man.
ReplyDeleteSteven Seagal (Gino Felino) took the offensive from before even entering the building. He took control of the situation from the beginning and it was clear that his objective was to survive the attack. I believe he had little security in that the enemy was aware that he was coming and were ready to attack him however he was in the orange state. The first attacker might have had the element of surprise when he came out with the butcher knife but once again, Seagal was in the orange state and already aware of an oncoming attack. As his other opponents try to attack, he uses different maneuvers to keep them off balance which often results in them attacking themselves. He displays the economy of force throughout the entire encounter because he utilizes all of his resources which range from butcher knives to the pieces of meat around him. Simplicity is seen as he quickly incapacitates his attackers without using complex methods (he snaps some wrists and kicks one in the nuts). His unity of command is understood to be that he is responsible for his own personal protection because he did not have any allies with him at the time nor did he have anyone else to protect but himself. At the end he uses his mental mass and talks with the guy behind the counter who has the gun while simultaneously closing the distance between them until he is able to bend his wrist.
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ReplyDeleteFrom what I have noticed in this video, before Seagal entered the store he was in the ideal state, which is the Orange State, he was aware of his surroundings and took action from an oncoming attack and took control of the situation. From the principle of SUMO MOSES, the principal of manoeuvre was used to his advantage, at the beginning of the fight scene Seagal pivots to the left to avoid the attack. At the 2 man attack, he focused on one opponent at a time and used the attacker to take out the other attacker, which is the principal of offensive. He also effectively utilizes the principal of economy of force by stripping away his opponent’s weapons and using it against them or using any object close by, to take the opponent down. He kept it simple and protected himself. This type of reaction is considered in SUMO MOSES to be the principals of security and simplicity. Close to the end of the video, in order to distract the guy with the gun, Seagal uses verbal communication to make the opponent hesitate as he walks in and uses a form of kotegaeshi to take the gun away. In this situation Seagal fully utilizes the principal of unity of command.
ReplyDeleteIn this short fight clip, 'Steven Seagal' used many, if not all of the aspects of SUMO MOSES. From he entered the store, he had an idea of what to expect, and stayed ready, so he wouldn't have any surprises from the enemy. His surroundings became a great part of his counter, as in anything closest to him, became a weapon, from as cleaver, to a bat, to meat hung on the wall. He moved in such a way to put all of his opponents at various disadvantages, by facing each one basically on a one-on-one match. He was secured in himself, depending on nobody else to help him. As seen in the clip he took control of the whole situation, especially when he was at gun point. through all of his actions he keep it simple, and keep the main objective, which is for him to survive.
ReplyDeleteBy: Lucharno Bethel
In the short fight scene, Segal utilized all aspects of SUMO MOSES as apart of his strategy and tactics to ensure survival. Segal utilized the Security aspect to ensure there are no unexpected advantages. He was in the optimum orange state where he was quite aware of his surroundings and was prepared for anything. He tapped into the unity of control by realizing that he was alone and solely responsible for his survival. He utilized mass by focusing all his power into focal areas to critically damage his attackers rather than using numerous unfocused blows. His objective was ckear from the start to remain alive. Segal was very effective at maneuvering as he was very agile and constantly placed his attacker into disadvantageous positions. Segal was always on the offensive and took control of the situation from the very beginning and began attacking. Segal surprise aspect was that he was trained to counter multiple attacks and that gave him an unexpected advantage. He tremendously used economy of force as he improvised weapons and resources such as his opponents bodies to strengthen his mass. Finally his strategy and tactic was of the utmost simplicity as they were simple yet effective.
ReplyDeleteby: LaQuinton Armbrister
From the moment he felt threatened Segal's objective was to survive his attackers. As soon as he felt their approach he was on offence and ready to defend himself. He maneuvered from between the two men making them bump each other's head. Also when he toke the swords from the men and used them to his advantage. He used the principle of mass on the man's arm when he was twisting it. He also used his mind to distract the mind when he talked to him to get closer in order to take his gun. And through this all he used the principle of simplicity where as he knew what was his objective and found the easiest way to achieve that.
ReplyDeleteStephan Seagal walks into the room in an orange state, being upright and alert to his surroundings, showing his security in the principles of SUMO MOSES. He was also calm and collected in his unity of command, in order or him to carry out his objective, which was to stay alive. The part when Seagal shifts his body in order to stop the attack in 0:04-0:07 and manipulates the momentum in order to throw down the attacker, for example, shows how he uses the principle of maneuver as well. his maneuvers throughout the scene itself also allowed him offense, and to use the attackers' momentum or weapons against them in order to be in control. Although Seagal was in the orange state, he still managed to surprise the attackers but being so alert and ready to fight back against them, using his surroundings. The use of mass and economy of state was visible in the end when he used his force to rotate the gun holder's wrist in order to immobilize his hand and obtain the gun. And lastly, simplicity was seen as his moves were very short yet forceful, and not complicated in execution or planning.
ReplyDeleteSteven Seagal demonstrates great awareness (being in the orange state). he used the mass technique to put all of his energy into throwing the attacker into the refrigerator. He also utilized the maneuvering technique making the attackers run into each other. Seagal always seemed to be in great control of his situation. Economy of force was also seen when he used any weapon he could have found to get the upper hand. Finally, simplicity was also shown as his attacks were short but effective and not complicated in execution. Seagal demonstrated a great deal of SUMO MOSES.
ReplyDeleteInitially, Stephen's sole objective was to survive the attack, possibly unscathed.
ReplyDeleteHe entered the store/situation very conscious of his surroundings. Because of this, he had Security. The attackers weren't permitted any unexpected advantage whatsoever.
Effective maneuver was well displayed at about the 0:22 mark, where we see him move out of the way so his two attackers could collide. Stephen definitely utilized Economy of Force. He made use of the Economy by incorporating the different utensils at his disposal into combat, i.e butcher knives, meat cleaver etc.
He used 'Surprise' when he deceived the guy behind the counter into thinking he wasn't going to do anything; Stalling him so he could get close enough to disarm him.
Lastly, we have Simplicity. His moves were well executed because he probably had a simple plan.
In this short clip Mr Stephen Seagal uses many aspects of the principle SUMO MOSES to the T! At the point of arrival and being hit by a surprise attack he had great awareness showing the aspect of Security knowing that he can be in an hostile situation at any time. We then see that at that point he had an Objective which was to survive this surprise attack. Thinking on his feet he Maneuver out of harms way quickly using this to his advantage which led straight to him taking the Offensive and taking control of this current situation. He had no held weapons but Economy of force was exhibited like he did, from using the enemies own weapons against them to even using a salami stub. Initially through all of this he had not only used physical but a mental Mass whereas he knew he was outnumbered yet used this to his advantage, using his environment and his own enemies to heighten hiss odds of survival which seemed to work. He then showcased a classic Unity of command knowing that he's responsible for his own life as he was held up by a gun and did what he had to do in order to get closer and disarm the gunman. He showed Simplicity not thinking hard or what to do next but smart and quick.
ReplyDeleteStephen Seagul uses various principles of war in the fight scene. Seagul has an objective, which is to survive; when he enters the building he surprises his enemies with his preparedness. He is on the offense and manages to be in control the whole fight. Seagul effectively maneuvers through the attacks of his adversaries, particularly when more than one person came at him at a time. Moreover, Seagul uses his mass to block and counter attacks, while using his resources against his opponents (economy of force). Near the end of the video, he utilizes unity of command and surprise as he quickly coaxes the man with the gun and dissuades him from shooting him, which he follows up by bending the man’s wrist. Lastly, Seagul uses the principle of simplicity to carry out his attacks.
ReplyDeleteStephen Seagal walks into the shop not knowing what would happen but he was aware of his surroundings. Seagal was in the orange state. He initially triggered the security principle. He didn't let the enemy have an unexpected advantage over him. He took control of the situation. Seagal then is attacked by a number of equipped men. He displays agility and the principle of maneuver. He uses the enemy's force and thrust as a weakness to where he removes himself from a target position to a position where he has the upper hand of attacking. Seagal then uses the principle of mass. He focuses on specific areas of his opponents’ bodies. He attacks with basic movements. Seagal kept his attacks basic, which shows that he used the principle of simplicity. He wasn't fancy with any of his movements. The attacks that he gave were simple but effective. At 0:16, I believe he uses taisabaki #2, where he blocks with his left hand then punches with his right hand with full force. Seagal also uses the economy of force principle. He used his surroundings wisely. He takes his opponent's sword and uses it against him along with the other foes. Seagal was on the offensive from the beginning to the end.
ReplyDeleteIn this fight scene we see from the onset of the action Steven Seagal has a clear objective when entering the butcher shop where the fight takes place. In this scene the principle of economy of force and the principle of mass are demonstrated almost simultaneously as Seagal uses very focused attacks and makes sure they are as efficient as possible; such as when he simply moves out of the way to let two of his attackers battle each other.He takes responsibility for his life demonstrating the principle of Unity of Command and we see this because he is not worried about any other person beside making sure he is safe. We can tell by the way his attacks are executed that he is trained to manoeuvre his body in a way that would be most beneficial to him and keep him from being harmed, while achieving his goal. We also must not forget the important principle of taking the offensive. Although Segal may not have had the element of surprise on his side, the moment he was attacked, he took the offensive and took control of the situation. At first glance I overlooked the principle of simplicity but Seagal uses it. As simple as talking to the man armed with the gun got him close enough to him to disarm the man and save his life. The Principles of Strategy and Tactics (SUMO MOSES) are very important when in a fight and can save lives.
ReplyDeleteThe video of Steven Seagull exhibit more than one of the principles SUMO MOSES throughout the entire clip. The principle of Sumo Moses that Steven seagull used was surprise, mass, objective, unity of command, maneuver, offensive, economy of force and security. Steven walked into the store alert; in an Orange State of mind. The attacker surprise attack was met with another surprise. Clearly Steven seagull walked into the shop knowing his objective was that he would have to defend for his life; especial since the store was a butcher store. He knows that the attackers were coming at him with knives and other butcher equipment. What could have been on his mind was, use their weapon against them. The maneuver’s he use were based on the attacker action to destabilize there movement. In doing so he could control and bend the situation to his will. When he demobilized the first and second attacker, in 0:03-0:19, he made the other attacker scared; giving the attackers the thought of needing to use weapon. That was when his principle (unity of command) revealed itself. He used the principle of mass to finish of the attacker one by one as shown from 0:20 straight through. The first attack was where I exhibit the economy of force principle. What he did was use the attacker momentum in the knife and swung it straight into his leg. It was also shown when he swung the knife straight through the man’s hand and wall. That is what I exhibited in that video.
ReplyDeleteIn the movie “Out for Justice”, published in 1992, Steven Seagal plays a detective role as Gino Felino. In a store fight scene, Seagal uses all but one principal of SUMO MOSES. Firstly, Seagal used security; because of his vigilance, his attackers were unable to take him by surprise. Seagal continuously used the principal of mass as he focuses on one attack or defense mechanism at a time making his attacks more effective. In fact this ties in with the principal of simplicity, because as fascinating as the scene was, all attacks were simple. Seagal made not a sound, he did not get complicated but he surely won. There were onlookers in the shop but Seagal used the principal of unity of command and the offensive principal, taking control of the situation although protocol for many people would have been to allow the shop owner to handle the situation, Seagal was responsible for himself. Steven Seagal tosses his opponents about the room, particularly on the floor and against the wall, using the principal of maneuver getting his opponents in the worst position possible. He used his opponents’ weapons as resources, enforcing the principal of economy of force. In my opinion, the only principal that Seagal did not technically use was the principle of surprise because he was the one being attacked but nonetheless he survived making him a master of the objective principal.
ReplyDeleteThe Security aspect was lost because he was outnumbered and unarmed before he entered the shop. They had the drop on him along with weapons but he had 'SUMO MOSES' to defend against them.
ReplyDeleteUnity of Mind was also present, visible by Mr. Segal operating under his own command and following and focusing on his own objectives: Survival (Elimination/Disarmament of threats).
Mass was very present. He was strategic, alert and well aware of his actions and attacks; focusing on each attacker and the threats that arose, helping with the intimidation of the last guy, the gunman.
Maneuver was also present in that he was positioned in such a way where his disadvantage which was being in the center became advantage. How? He was vigilant and an attack that was directed at him was landed on another attacker. Also, he threw targets in the ground giving him a greater reaction time when dealing with other opponents.
Offensive: his objective initially was to obtain info or a specific target, but once the target escaped his objective was to survive.
Surprise was present to a lesser extent in that they got the jump on him but they were surprised because they were not prepared for him to be equipped with such skills.
Economy of Force: All forces were focused the Disarmament of all threats and survival. Seeing as he was the only source of attack/offense.
Simplicity was exercised as survival and attack when/where necessary.
In this short video Stephen Seagal played out the principle of SUMO MOSES perfectly. When he enter the store and saw the thugs, he didn’t panic but keep a spirit of calmness and firmness. The thugs attack with the advantage of weapons but Seagal use their advantage against them by taken their weapons and using them effectively cutting of the retreat of the thugs. Seagal was out number but he kept distance among the thugs by the use of public options (weapons) with great force to focues areas. Seagal was able to keep the fight one on one by his maneuver which kept him in control, placing the thugs in an uncomfortable position. Seagal won the fight with the thugs but there uprise another fight that he could not win with the principle of 'Sumo Moses' use before. Mr.seagal was aware that the same principle use before would not work so he use a Strategic Defense, this defense made the owner feel surperior by Seagal expression of surrender which allow Seagal to get closer to him and attack spuriously which allows a principle of 'SUMO MOSES'. Mr. Stephen Seagal survives the fight only because the continous use of offense and defense of 'SUMO MOSES' principles.
ReplyDeleteStephen Seagal utilizes many principles of SUMO MOSES in this fight scene. Both the aspects of Mass and Economy of Force is portrayed respectively when he blocks his foes' attacks and attacks. Just as he focuses his whole body in stopping the attackers' arms as they swung at him, he efficiently utilizes items in the environment, such as the meat cleaver, bat, and even bread to his advantage. The principle of Offensive is shown as, though he is outnumbered, Stephen Seagal maintains the initiative throughout combat, never letting his foes take control of the situation. His Objective lies in his intention to survive and Simplicity is used as he quickly and efficiently attacks and defends against his enemies, rather than unnecessarily executing his offense and defense to leave him vulnerable. Furthermore Stephen Seagal utilizes the aspects of Security as he walked into the store and was able to immediately defend himself, keeping his enemies from gaining an unexpected advantage. This was also portrayed as he was held at gunpoint along with the element of Surprise, in the instance that he was able to remain calm and reduce his distance from his foe to disarm him. Finally, Maneuver was utilized during combat when he applied his power to keep himself out of a disadvantageous position. Just as he was surrounded by two people, he was able to position himself facing both of them.
ReplyDeleteSteven Segal used the principles of war efficiently. He had security because even though he was in close quarters, he stayed alert and watched his back during the fight. Steven also had unity of command because he managed to move without a hiccup and follow through with all the necessary attacks and retaliations. The principle of mass was present with his consistent change in direction of energy while still keeping it uniform. His mind, body and spirit were all appropriate for his short combat with many subjects. His objectives seemed correct as he took out the higher priority subjects first then he left the unstable-minded gunman for last because he just used the gun to try and take Segal’s nerve. Constant movement was kept and he also obtained maneuver by putting the opponents at their own disadvantages as he did with the butcher by sticking his hand to the wall with his own knife. He took offense and handled the situation. He kept the element of surprise because the opponents didn’t expect him to be so educated in combat. Economy of force was met because he used only necessary force to get his targets where he wanted them. It was all kept simple and he made none of the attacks too complicated in that he wouldn’t be able to direct his attention to the other subjects.
ReplyDeleteStephen Seagal main objective was to beat the attackers and survive, which he succeed in. He used mass, maneuver and unity of command as key points in his offensive attack; this was done by using the attacker’s body weight against them to move them in positions using the various tai sabaki techniques, so that he can disarm the attackers and fight them one at a time. He commanded the tempo using mass and KA-IH you can see the attackers was hesitant to continue fighting after seeing what he did to the other attackers he faced before them. He used a great example of economy of force by focusing on main points on the attackers to have superior damage to the attacker. He demonstrated security by entering the shop in the orange state and not panicking from the surprise attack. He also kept looking around for more attackers to take away the surprise aspect from the attackers. It was very simple how he talked to the man wielding the gun behind the table so that he could get close enough to take it away from him and assure safety